If I drive to school, where can I park and leave my equipment?
During school please park in student parking. After 2:30, you may move your car to the faculty parking lot by the pool. The bus will depart and arrive from the pool lot. You may leave your equipment in the car. (Weekday trips only)
What happens if school is cancelled or we are dismissed earlier?
If school is cancelled on a weekday trip (i.e. Blue Mountain), our busing company cancels transportation. No school = no ski. For longer trips where we use coach transportation (Vermont/Elk), the decision is left to the company. Please check the Remind service via text or the website.
Where does the bus depart/arrive and what time?
All trip depart from the back parking lot near the pool entrance. For weekday trips, we leave at 3pm with or without you. If we can leave earlier, we willPrior to returning, chaperones will announce to text parents. If we wait for pickup, you wait the next time for your pass. (10 minutes late means 10 less minutes of skiing).
Where can I put my ski and snowboard equipment if I do not drive?
You can store your equipment in the girls locker room. Meet Miss Carr or Mr. Pennebacker outside of the weight room to store equipment between 720am and 750am. (Weekday and VT/NY trips only)
How does my gear get on the bus?
For local trips within PA, YOU are responsible for getting the gear. After school, come to the locker room entrance, retrieve your gear and pack the bus yourself. For VT/NY trips, the bus will be packed for you. More on that at the VT/NY meeting.
If I have a season pass or other pass at any other mountain, can I only pay for the bus and not the lift ticket?
Yes. Busing rates vary from trip to trip. Please contact Mr. Pennebacker for total amount owed for bus only rates.
I have a car and do not want to ride the bus but still want the pass discount. Can I drive myself and not take the bus?
No. At this point you must pay for the bus to receive the lift ticket unless special arrangements are made. Please contact Mr. Pennebacker for special needs.
Where can I contact Mr. Pennebacker or Miss Carr?
Room 112 or email dpennebacker@pvsd.org or kcarr@pvsd.org
If I get in trouble on the mountain, what happens?
No refunds on any trips. If you mess up, you are kicked off all ski trips for the entire season and rest of your high school career. School rules apply and police involvement can and will be used. This is a privilege. Do not mess up. You are NOT welcome on our trip from the moment you are caught. In other words, parents are called and we do not provide transportation home. You are viewed as a threat to our culture of skiing/riding and you need to find your own way home. This includes Vermont and parental financial commitment.